Friday, January 19, 2007

waking up again.....

We came home from Thamel, I was so ready to crash. After several days of waking up at 4 and not going to bed until 9-10pm I was wiped. We layed down and Sujina and I went right to sleep. I did not wake up until this morning at 4am again. I looked at Pauls watch and thought it was 6:30 for some reason.

Sujina and Paul woke up too. This was the best nights sleep we have had.

So here we are up at 5am, Sujina is playing around the floor looking very cute as she does, I am typing on the computer and Paul is just watching us. He fed her some baby food that Elizabeth shared with us and she seemed to like it. She also loves the Cheerios we had in our bag from home. She loves to pick them up with her fingers and put them in her mouth.

The first night we were having dinner, she would try to pick up the rice that fell in our lap, so we decided to give her some on the table. She loved playing with it, then we thought of giving her the Cheerios.

It is fun to be back in baby mode! We keep remembering things from the boys. We did bring our Dr. Sear's book along so that is helpful too.

Today is Saturday and most offices/businesses are closed on Sat. so we get another free day. Mr. Tamata, the Children's Home director, is supposed to bring us our papers for the Foreign Ministry office in order to get Sujina's travel papers. We have to look over them to make sure they are correct.

I love being here, and I am for sure loving having my baby girl with me, but I do miss my boys something terrible.

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