Monday, January 08, 2007

FOUR 4 Away!!!!!

Received an email from Eric today saying that the committee had cleared files up to 1830! Ugh.... We are 1834. I thought that 34 was hard, but to be 4 away. The great news is that the next time we hear from the committee we are hoping they will have cleared four files at least. We also need the signature of the secretary. Without this we will go no where.

I have yet to pack anything or buy anything like formula, bottles etc... because I just dont want to jinx myself. Sounds pretty funny I know but hey we are this close I dont want to do anything silly.

I have started making mental lists, so I know what I want to buy, pack, bring.

I am collecting books from friends and MOMS club members for the new Children's Home building. I am hoping to create a library in Sujina's name. I am also hoping that I can keep a box of books a month going to Nepal. We will see.

I feel that this is our week. But I thought December was our month too. I am happy we are 4 away, but I will be on cloud 9 when I am told to get on the plane.

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