Sunday, December 10, 2006

Waiting, waiting, waiting.......

Here we sit, starting the second week of Dec. and we have not heard much this month. Paul wrote in his dayplanner for us to be traveling next week. I am keeping my fingers crossed. We are still making Christmas plans and plans for Becks birthday (Dec. 29th) but in the back of my mind I am always hoping that we will be traveling during this time.

It still seems a little sureal to me. Am I really going to have a little girl? Am I really going to have three children to love and cherish? It is like I had a dream about going to Nepal, holding the most beautiful little girl, her smiling up at me and then her slowly, slowly slipping away, off into the distance to where we could just see a shadow of a person. I know someone is there but I am just not sure who it is.

How will it be when we bring her home? Will she adjust well to our home, our lifestyle, our boys, us? Will she be happy?

How will I adjust? How will my boys adjust? Will they accept her into our home like the sister that she is? How will I protect her from hurtful people? How will I protect her from hurtful comments?

I feel like a first time mom.

But wait.... I am.

We miss you Sujina, come home to us soon.


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